Over the years Wurtlizer has produced many types of upright and grand pianos. Read our article on the Top Piano Brands to find more brands similar to Wurtlitzer. The manufacturers' assumption was to sell not very expensive pianos, which can be used in homes or cafés. Mid-range Wurlitzer upright and grand pianos are not comparable in quality to the legendary American instruments such as Steinway & Sons, Chickering, or Mason & Hamlin. At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, Baldwin resigned from signing instruments with the name Wurlitzer and thus went down in history. The Wurlitzer name was on the pianos until 2009, and the production was taken over by the eastern Young Chang and later Samick factories. American instruments were no longer as desirable as in previous years and eventually the Wurlitzer brand was sold to the Baldwin factory in 1988. However, this was a period of increased competition and an influx of upright and grand pianos from the East. One of the acquired companies was also the legendary Chickering, sold to Wurlitzer in 1985. Gradually taking over various instrument brands, the Wurlitzer also entered the wind and guitar market in the 1970s. The Wurlitzer Factory, known for its numerous innovations, in the second half of the 20th century produced an electronic piano resembling the acoustic sound from classical instruments (however, stripped and digitally controlled).

Although until the 1950s the Wurlitzer's jukeboxes and technological novelties allowed the Wurlitzer to stay on the market, increased competition gradually degraded the Wurlitzer's influence in this field. They also introduced significant changes to the structure of the piano's resonance bottom.Īs in all factories, the production of instruments was discontinued during World War II, due to orders for the army, fortunately it was resumed later. The Wurlitzer factory used the very durable signature "wurl-on" finish which is scratch-resistant. In the 1930's, they introduced a small, approximately 100cm (39 inches) tall piano, which was willingly bought by customers as an alternative to larger and more expensive instruments (Wurlitzer spinet piano). The company expanded into the United States by establishing upright piano factories in North Tonawanda, New York, and grand piano factories in de Kalb, Illinois.

In 1914 Franz Rudoph Wurlitzer died, after which the management of the company was taken over by his sons Howard, Rudolph and Farny. In 1909 the company was moved from Ohio to New York, and since 1910 the organ was produced there, among others, for the "Mighty Wurlitzer" theatres, which can still be found in operas and museums. With the technological development at the beginning of the 20th century, the Wurlitzer became famous for its jukebox and coin-operated pianos. These were mid-range pianos, but very durable and solid as a good price/quality compromise. The production of Wulitzer pianos began in 1880 and was later sold in smaller retail stores. Initially he produced organs and melodicas. He opened a local factory in Cincinatti, Ohio in 1861. In a very similar period of time, the German Frank Rudolph Wurlitzer started his activity, who from 1853 brought instruments from The Wurlitzer Company in Germany to the USA. You may know that not only Henry Steinway is a German expatriate in the USA, who is famous for creating upright and grand pianos. Or maybe it is a "strange" instrument resembling an upright piano and we know only its brand name? If you have an instrument marked with the American name Wurlitzer - you're in the right place! In this article we will try to introduce you to the history, instruments and other inventions of this very factory. We often wonder what is the value of an inherited grand or upright piano we have at home?